segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008


Alguém topa ir a DrupalCon em final de Agosto/2008?
Vai ser na Hungria, em Szeged. :)
Bem que podiamos ganhar as passagens !!! :]

Drupal is a wildly popular social publishing system that blends web content management and social media capabilities with a massive library of powerful extensions - all supported by a thriving open source community.

Drupalcon is the twice-yearly gathering of Drupalers to learn about, discuss and advance Drupal, and to network with other community members. Come to Szeged, Hungary for this event for August 27 to 30, 2008 and experience this thriving community in person yourself! Read more in our FAQ.

Maiores Informações:
(R$ 2.300 com a SwissAir ida e volta)

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

Precisaria de um tradutor apenas!